🌸 Tempchan

Tempchan is a way of making anonymous, private, temporary discussion boards. Learn more

Tempchan requires JavaScript to run, in order to encrypt and decrypt messages in your web browser.

Create a new board

Create a new directory

(max 100 characters)
(max 1000 characters)
Lifespan (days)
(max 35)
(What is this?)
  • Once the board is created, these settings cannot be changed. You will be taken to the board's writeable link, which you can share with others to invite them to post on it.
  • Posts cannot be deleted once submitted.
  • The board will also have a read-only link, which lets people read but not post.
  • The board (and all of its posts) will be deleted at midnight (GMT) after the given lifespan has elapsed.

Source code | Released under AGPLv3